REALTOR Link® is the Associations Intranet that can only be accessed by members. All boards and Associations in Canada have their own unique site on REALTOR Link®. Through the CREA site, members can access all the products/services and get additional information on anything CREA related.
Taken from the REALTOR Link® Info Page.
One of the handy features that is provided you by the REALTOR Link® is the DDF® Member Feeds, that will allow you to download your listings to your own website. This way you only need to enter your listings one to have them pushed to
To sign up, contact CREA to get access to their DDF® feature, if you do not already have one through REALTOR Link®.
Web Girl is already a registered 3rd party developer with CREA!
Once your member feed is created and built in to your website to download once a day, your listings will always be up to date! Save time from entering what properties you have for sale in multiple locations.